
The famous Argentinian poet Jorge Louis Borges in answering the question, "What is the purpose of poetry," rhetorically asked - "What is the purpose of dawn,? What is the purpose of a caress,? What is the purpose of the smell of coffee? The purpose of poetry, he reflected, is pleasure; it's for emotion, it's for living."

For me the act of photographing is part meditation, part serendipity - it's going out to see what Nature has to say to me and trusting that a few pictures pictures will achieve Borges' definition of poetry.


The famous Argentine poet Jorge Louis Borges in answering the question, "What is the purpose of poetry?," rhetorically asked, "What is the purpose of dawn?, What is the purpose of a caress?, What is the purpose of the smell of coffee? The purpose of poetry," he reflected, "is pleasure, it's for emotion, it's for living."

For me, making pictures is part meditation, part serendipity - it's going out to see what Nature has to show me and trusting that I’ll return with a few pictures that achieve Borges' definition of poetry with beauty and elegance.